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In this video, I teach about times when a flat nine occurs in the melody, over a dominant seventh chord. Learn how to play triad extensions to increase your harmonic vocabulary with me!
Let's explore She's Always a Woman, Anthony's Song, Uptown Girl, Vienna, and Honesty to look at the way Billy Joel weaves us in and out key centers, using motifs, bass lines and subtle tricks of music theory.
Temporary modulations to the mediant and submediant are very common in jazz and popular music. It's important to learn to recognize them when they occur, hear the difference between them and know how to predict them when playing chords by ear.
This is an exercise that takes you through all 12 keys, using a minor ii V i lick, that will help you to be able to hear an altered dominant extension...a triad, based on the flat five of the dominant chord. I like this one because it's melodic and pretty and can be easily used in improvisation while soloing over tunes.
Hearing your way though changes on tough tunes is a real challenge, but is an integral part of developing your musicianship. Let's look at some tricks that can be used to help you hear those shifts in tonality and improve your improvising and raise your ear training to a new level.
Using Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles and She's Always a Woman by Billy Joel, we walk through the steps to deciphering the chords to songs, just by using our ears and our voices. For this video, I tried to take something that is fairly simple for me, accessible to everyone who knows a bit about music.
Get access to my Everything I Know About Chords course, , my 2 other Nebula Classes, Quarter Notes With Aimee Nolte, several pdfs and extended/bonus videos and the ENTIRE Nebula platform when you sign up for Nebula using my link (40% off an annual subscription)
If you're good at figuring out chords by ear, but sometimes your ears just aren't advanced enough to do it, maybe it's because you lack knowledge about secondary dominants and this little music theory trick I'll show you!
A two-part series about how to improvise over these famous chord changes. In this video, we talk about how to use the blues to make our way over Rhythm Changes and sound super hip. Watch for part two where we will discuss Bebop lines.
"On The Fly" is an expression, meaning, to do something quickly, without much time for preparation or thought. Sometimes we have to write charts (a term that jazz players use instead of "sheet music") very quickly and under odd circumstances. Here is how I do that!
From my vacation spot in Watsonville, CA where we have a fun little lesson about how to sing the dominant chords on the bridge of Rhythm Changes, using the bebop scale.
Taking a solo is sooo much like talking to a friend. Come up for air once in awhile and offer something worthwhile to the exchange! Bb blues jazz changes.
A little device to get you thinking outside the box when you are improvising on a blues. Whether you are a player or a singer, get this in your ears and use it to launch you outside and then very stealthily work your way back in.
Purchase the worksheet from the video[ONLY 3.00 $]
Taking the lick I played in this video: Nat Adderley Work Song (Organ And Vocal), we discuss why it's a good vehicle for playing outside the changes on minor tunes, no matter what your instrument is, and especially if you're a singer.
Using the opening rhythm from Oleo, I make a solo out of only that rhythm and move it through the chord changes to open up many many more possibilities in my soloing!
Working through the process of figuring out a melody and harmony IN MY HEAD, in real time with Sergio Mendes "Never Gonna Let You Go" Get access to my Everything I Know About Chords course, my 2 other Nebula Classes, Quarter Notes With Aimee Nolte, several pdfs and extended/bonus videos and the ENTIRE Nebula platform when you sign up for Nebula using my link (40% off an annual subscription)
Let's look at Earth, Wind and Fire's "That's The Way of The World", Billy Paul's "Me and Mrs. Jones", and Anita Baker's "Sweet Love" to see how to HEAR whether or not the chord charts are correct when they have the GALL to write an 11 chord. :)
See the follow up, more in-depth video exclusively on Nebula now! At least one secret, anyway! Upper structure triads are the best way I know to convey a huge amount of information in a very concise way. Jazz harmony might just become much more manageable for you if you try understanding it in this way. See if it works for you! Sign up for my Nebula Class here: