You are easily the best music YouTuber for musicians. No one else even comes close. You really get what kind of audience you're going for. I feel like a lot of music YouTubers are caught between "pop theory" videos meant for people with little to no music theory background, and strangely esoteric stuff that doesn't have a lot of room for application. You are making music theory videos for musicians. I love it. It's so clear and direct. You really elevate the platform in a way few people do.
Miro Miro
Praise From YouTube Fans

With over 500 jazz and music instruction videos on YouTube, Aimee is becoming a highly-sought-after teacher and clinician.
Here are some words of praise from fans around the globe!
Aimee, I was one of your early subscribers and I can't thank you enough for all I have learned from you! Your early videos inspired me to, later in life, follow up on what was a lost dream of mine to learn piano. Eight years later, I'm still playing everyday! Indirectly, this has changed not only my life but has also inspired my daughter to pursue her musical dream too as she studies music at Belmont Univeristy. Thank you for all you do and share with us!
Gold. Absolute gold. I'm blown away by how useful Aimee's videos are! I've leatned more about piano in the past week watching Aimee than in the last few months on my own. If I were young and wanted to learn great piano technique, or music in general, this is where I'd begin. With a tad bit of music theory under one's belt, every single one of her videos can increase your abilities exponentially. These videos are the keys to the kingdom so to speak. A young person setting out to be a great musician or desiring to be the next pop star should watch these videos for technique and inspiration. If you're a bit older, it's time to dust off your piano or guitar because I know these videos will change your approach on how to get more out of music.
What a great lesson. I thought I was swinging, but no. Now I have the tools to get swingin like Basie and Peterson. In less than 20 minutes, you have given me enough material and insight for a month of practice, which is fantastic. So much fun!
Beautiful Aimee!! I will get many happy hours listening to your new album. It seems to me that it defines you well - a dedicated mom, talented musician, with thoughts that run as deep as your amazing skill level. Your talent and dedication. You shine, and your enthusiasm it is infectious! I love, love, love your YouTube channel which keeps me forever more inspired.
Thank you Aimee, you are by far the best musical instructor on YouTube! The piano and voice lessons are fantastic and you're the first one I've come across that teaches how to play by ear!
That is what I've been finding so challenging for so many years and your guidance has helped tremendously!
I love that you are able to get your lessons across in a very effective and caring way. Your kind and graceful approach is very helpful for those of us who have the burning desire, but lack the raw musical talent that few are gifted with. You are very inspiring and your efforts are greatly appreciated!
I love how earnestly you want to help anyone who lands on your channel. This feels like a sort of "redirect" that is going to help a whole new crop of peeps that will become Aimee me. Not for nothing, Aimee, but you are the sole reason that I have made the switch to jazz. The first video I watched of yours was when you were down on your piano on a cloudy day explaining swing and you had about 1500 followers! I was hooked at first on your channel because you are so freaking engaging, but now I am on the greatest journey of my life. It is the hardest thing I have ever done, but I have learned sooo much (from you) and am working hard and I am making steps but forward! I am not sure its possible for you to realize how have positively you have affected so many journeys! BTW, Looking for the Answers is so beautiful!!!!!
“Her voice is full of poetry and worldliness. Her production is wrapped in a musical ball of emotional delivery. Right away, I know she is a songwriter. After listening to only a few tracks, I am certain that Aimee Nolte wrote these stories from her heart and she’s probably playing piano. I look in the liner notes to discover I’m correct. She’s a composer and a pianist; a producer, arranger and a poet.
Hi Aimee! I wanted to thank you for being the best teacher anyone could ever ask for. You've demystified jazz for a random young person from India with literally no background in it, and been my strongest guiding voice in the subject for a long time now. You're so inspiring to other young women in jazz, and thank you for all the great ways in which you make the world better for a lot of people. You make me confident that teaching jazz is an incredible career because so few people know how to do it sincerely, thoroughly and patiently. Cheers to you and sending lots of love from Bangalore, India.
I've been trying to learn jazz piano for a while now after over 20 years of classical piano... read so many books... watched videos... but your channel is the firs one which really makes me get it and breaks it down so it's accessible and understandable. Thanks so much for alla the time and effort you put into making your videos and helping us Jazzers learn the craft.
Alastair D.
Aimee, I just watched the video of your analysis of Remember Me again and you bring me even deeper into the beauty of the composition the second time. Not sure how many times I will be able to watch it again, running out of tissues. You are amazing in so many ways. Your analysis of Remember Me is without a doubt the most moving tribute to Robert and Kristin Lopez that any song writer could hope for. If It was me I would treasure your presentation of their work much more that I would the Oscar. You showed all of us how much you love music as you lead us through the cathedral of Remember Me. A wonderful piece of work by you showing us all what real composition is and should be. Bravo! When I pass from this world I would love to have you signing Remember Me just as you did at the close of the video. Reaching for the high notes showed your true love and emotion for the song. This piece presented me with the strongest musical learning experience I have ever had. Well Done.
Thank you, Chuck
As somebody who had almost given up on the piano (after many interruptions over many years), I have been completely remotivated to start again after coming across Aimee's videos.
I can totally agree with your analysis of what makes up this perfect set of attributes. In addition to rational analysis, there are also these less easily defined features in her presentation that make watching it such a delight. Being a slow learner and not particularly gifted (read: very unpromising) I have watched some videos over and over again, and at the n-th time I'm still thoroughly enjoying it and learning from it.
She is obviously a gifted musician and a professional in her art as well as a natural teacher. At the same time she is fun, intelligent, a tomboy and a loving mother. What a combination! And not to forget (but you mentioned it) a hard worker! I'm amazed at how many presentations she has on Youtube. I could go on, but Aimee also seems to have a knack for working with all the latest technology, installed in her own room or, in portable form. (combining gracious S-turns on a skate board with a totally meaningful chat about music!) Multi-tasking, I suppose.
Theodor O.