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In this third episode, my son, Louis helps me show how to find the third or the "mi" to start recognizing where to begin making up your own harmony. Try to put yourself in his spot and predict the notes he sings before he sings them...and then we leave room for you at the end for you to sing a note on your own, in three part harmony with us!
Using the recorded tracks, we take a popular Beach Boys song and learn the harmony part for it, and practice it together in this video. This is the first of many harmony videos that will employ the same format. I hope you like it!
Purchase the MP3s from the video below - 8 tracks zipped[ZIP file 25 Megabytes - 5.00 $]
Are you ever fooled by a harmony that has so much strength and power, you think it's really the melody? Let's look at examples by some of the greatest harmony writers in rock and pop and discover deeper truths about the meaning of "melody."