4 TASTY 2-5-1 Substitutions

When you see a 251 chord progression, realize that you don't have to play it as written. There are options. Let me show you a few of my favorites!
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When you see a 251 chord progression, realize that you don't have to play it as written. There are options. Let me show you a few of my favorites!
Ok, so you think you know about 251s - but can you recognize them when they occur in songs? Can your ears tell the difference between a major 251 and a minor? It's time to practice with me. Let's go!
This is an exercise that takes you through all 12 keys, using a minor ii V i lick, that will help you to be able to hear an altered dominant extension...a triad, based on the flat five of the dominant chord. I like this one because it's melodic and pretty and can be easily used in improvisation while soloing over tunes.
Playing ii V I licks in all keys is one of the best ways I know to improve your soloing skills.There's no better way to get new phrases into your head then by figuring them out in all the keys and drilling them over and over.
Purchase the worksheet of the video [PDF (20+ pages): 5.00 $]
Playing minor ii V i licks in all keys is one of the best ways I know to improve your soloing skills.There's no better way to get new phrases into your head then by figuring them out in all the keys and drilling them over and over.
Purchase the worksheet of the video [PDF (20 pages): 5.00 $]
How to use your ii V I licks in other songs!
Purchase the worksheet from the videov [PDF 5.00$]
This is the exercise that my daughter Ella is playing in her video "Ella's Rootless Voicing Dice Game" and the philosophy behind why I taught it to her.
In this video we spend time discussing the minor ii V i and some ideas involving the sharp nine to play over the altered dominant chord. Lesson available with PDF
The crazy, beautiful altered dominant chord where BOTH the natural 5 and the flat 5 exist together in wonderful dissonant harmony will add color and depth to your playing. Explore how and when to use it with me! If you'd like to support my channel, you can donate here: https://paypal.me/aimn
Aimee Nolte performs in duos, trios, and big bands as a jazz pianist and singer. Live performances
Please join my YouTube channel Aimee Nolte Music with hundreds of videos! Teaching section