New Orleans Blues Piano
New Orleans blues, is a subgenre of blues music and a variation of Louisiana blues that developed in the 1940s and 1950s in and around the city of New Orleans, rooted by the rich blues roots of the city going back generations earlier. Strongly influenced by jazz and incorporated Caribbean influences, it is dominated by piano and saxophone but has also produced major guitar bluesmen. Major figures in the genre include Professor Longhair and Guitar Slim, who both produced major regional, R&B chart and even mainstream hits.
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New Orleans Blue Piano Series
An introduction to my 4 video series on playing a G blues in the New Orleans boogie blues style, much like you might have heard from Dr. John or Professor Longhair.
New Orleans Blues Piano #1
I use "Sweet Home Chicago" to give a quick blues lesson on a "boogie shuffle" accompaniment I like to play. It is in the style of Dr. John and will give a great New Orleans feel to your blues.
New Orleans Blues Piano #2
The hippest, dirtiest Dr. John kind of New Orleans blues lick/fill you will ever learn. Key of G, but also very easy to modulate in C, F, and Bb with the same fingering!
New Orleans Blues Piano #3
Another swingin blues idea for you! This one fits with the others from parts 1 and 2, and is the perfect way to increase your Blues vocabulary. Key of G.
New Orleans Blues Piano #4
Want to add some 16th notes to your blues playing, like a BOSS? Make sure you watch the other 3 videos first and then learn this lick that is sure to boost your blues game!