Aimee In The Studio - You Should've
Studio footage from the day I recorded "You Should've" at Oakhouse Studios with Mike Scott (guitar) and Bruce Lett (bass). It's one of the tracks that I decided to record piano and vocals simultaneously on. (Others were "Looking For The Answers", "All Too Soon", and "So In Love," and you can see the partition we built to semi-isolate the vocals from the piano) I was really glad to have gotten this one in one take because it's an emotionally taxing one for me. I'd really rather someone else sing it (Bonnie Raitt would be an absolute dream).
I feel like my solo on this one is the most heart-felt of all my solos on the album. I really wanted to tell a story with it, and though it's simple, it turned out to be a solo that I felt like I grabbed out of the atmosphere, like it already existed and I was just finding it. That rarely happens for me. Bruce was supposed to return to bowing his bass right after my solo, but misunderstood my directions and ended up plucking on the last verse and then switching to arco on the last chorus. I'm glad it turned out that way. I think it was the right call.
Tags: pop, Aimee, Looking For The Answers