Ear Training With One Of The World's Best Improvisers
Rosana Eckert - Principal Lecturer of Vocal Jazz at the University of Northern Texas, is one of the best improvisers and educators I know of. Without an instrument to press buttons on (a singer), Rosana has to accurately call up pitches from her improv vocabulary and execute them at top speed. Her ability to do this is matched only by a handful of people, in my opinion. Discount code to get both CuriosityStream and Nebula at 26% off - $14.79 for a year https://curiositystream.com/aimeenolte Rosana’s new single: Samba Jiji - Single by Brasuka https://music.apple.com/us/album/samb... Rosana’s website: https://www.rosanaeckert.com/index.html
Tags: singing, improvising