33 Minutes of Minor Blues

I'm improvising over 90 choruses of C minor blues, for your viewing an listening pleasure today! I hope you find some inspiration in it! Playing my Hallet Davis baby grand over an ireal Pro backing track.
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I'm improvising over 90 choruses of C minor blues, for your viewing an listening pleasure today! I hope you find some inspiration in it! Playing my Hallet Davis baby grand over an ireal Pro backing track.
Sign up and get, Parts 1 and 2 of Everything I Know About Chords, My "Creating Meaningful Motifs For Jazz Improv" Class, "Adam and Aimee Play The Blues", and the ENTIRE Nebula platform - it's like Youtube, but for educational content only - Plus, NO ADS - and I always put extra material there (bonus videos you won't see on Youtube and extended cuts of my Youtube videos) IF YOU ALREADY HAVE NEBULA, YOU DON'T NEED TO DO A THING :) Jazz improv is hard. Much of my channel is dedicated to helping you to get a grasp on how to be great at it! I still see common mistakes when I travel around an listen to people play, and these are the most common little bad habits that could use some...help. :)
I know I preach a lot of information about improvisation. I'm not sure that I follow it all in this performance of Harold Arlen's "Let's Fall In Love," but sometimes, I don't know...you just gotta go for it. Improvising in harmony with myself is something I work on quite a bit, but I rarely show it. I hope that will change as I practice more. Recorded using Earthworks SV33 Earthworks PM40 5'3 Hallet Davis Baby Grand Panasonic Lumix G85 - Details on Aimee's Gear
Nearly 20 minutes of improvisation over an F Blues backing track from the iReal Pro app. I wish I could have kept going for ten more minutes, but it's the holiday time and my family needed me! My main idea here was to start simply and build toward more complex ideas as I went, but to always be in the pocket and to take my ideas where they lead.
Rosana Eckert - Principal Lecturer of Vocal Jazz at the University of Northern Texas, is one of the best improvisers and educators I know of. Without an instrument to press buttons on (a singer), Rosana has to accurately call up pitches from her improv vocabulary and execute them at top speed. Her ability to do this is matched only by a handful of people, in my opinion. Discount code to get both CuriosityStream and Nebula at 26% off - $14.79 for a year https://curiositystream.com/aimeenolte Rosana’s new single: Samba Jiji - Single by Brasuka https://music.apple.com/us/album/samb... Rosana’s website: https://www.rosanaeckert.com/index.html
My favorite jazz players don't show me everything at once. They have the courage to leave me wanting more...waiting to see what they will do next. Finding truth in your improvisation is KEY. Recorded using Earthworks SV33 Earthworks PM40 5'3 Hallet Davis Baby Grand
Taking a solo is sooo much like talking to a friend. Come up for air once in awhile and offer something worthwhile to the exchange! Bb blues jazz changes.
My good friend, Tama Shutts came over today for a vocal duet over Rhythm Changes. Super Fun! If you'd like to see more duets from Tama and I, check Jam Of The Week on Facebook. You can see Tama perform if you're in So Cal over at Cal State Long Beach with "Pacific Standard Time."
My friend, John Proulx and I try out a fun exercise, I like to call "reactionary improv." Try it and let me know if you learned as much as I did! Check out John's website https://www.johnproulx.com and sign up for lessons with him here: https://www.jazzvoice.org. Follow me on instagram to hear all of the examples at @aimeenoltemusic
Purchase the worksheet of the video [PDF 5.00 $]
Aimee Nolte performs in duos, trios, and big bands as a jazz pianist and singer. Live performances
Please join my YouTube channel Aimee Nolte Music with hundreds of videos! Teaching section