Hi Aimee! I'm new here but this has already been a life-changing discovery for me. I have seen quite a few of your videos already and they are all SO gut. I have totally returned to the piano, even though I had practically given up. This is so motivating, that you are almost overcoming my many limitations. I believe that I'll soon be able to do your New Orleans licks. But watching you playing, improvising, jamming and teaching is simply heart-warming and incredibly motivating. I was taught classically but didn't get anywhere (much as I like listening to it). What you are showing us is a different dimension that (I'm let to believe) I might eventually learn to inhabit. On the fringes, at least. Mustn't get ahead of ourselves. I'm writing this having just watched you and Gianna Pedregon. I loved it! Seeing you communicating with other through music is a wonderful thing to behold. There is so much of that radiating out of your videos. Whether you are on a skateboard, talking about music (you are a spell-binding narrator!) or presenting "your very useful" daughter Ella's scales game. "Keep practicing", she said "and you might become so good as my mum". I subscribed immediately.
Theodor O.
Praise From YouTube Fans

With over 500 jazz and music instruction videos on YouTube, Aimee is becoming a highly-sought-after teacher and clinician.
Here are some words of praise from fans around the globe!
Aimee! I'm so happy to support talented people who are being so super-generous with their time, expertise and knowledge. I wanted to say - your musical talents and the hard work behind them are really obvious to any viewer, but beyond that you have developed a great pedagogical style well-suited to youtube, which is no easy feat. Your lessons are well structured and provide entry points to both beginners and more experienced musicians, you find ways to make what is essentially a "one-way" communication very interactive (loved the audience participation on the Top 25 Jazz Standards to Know video!), and you are able to create a sense of connection with people you can't even see, which is quite remarkable. I thought it important to acknowledge that and I let you I appreciate it, you're doing really nice work and I know it's nice to hear when people recognize it!
Brian M.
When I watched your video about picking out chords from a song, I thought, "Teaching others through this medium is as natural as breathing for her." You are doing what you were destined to do. That's beautiful. Congratulations.
From David in NY
Hello Aimee - I have to say, I absolutely have to thank God for you. You have made my life easier and less stressful. The way you explain things are so easy to understand and what I called the "mystery of jazz" isn't so mystery anymore. My instrument is piano and I only started about 7 months ago. I have no musical background whatsoever and at this point in my life, I'm being exposed to a lot of music, mainly jazz, but also classical and other genres. But jazz captivates me the most. I attend a community college and they've assigned me a private piano teacher but she teaches classical piano and it's cool and all. I needed more though. I wanted more expulsion so I can pick up on a lot of things quickly and I stumbled on your channel 3 weeks ago. I couldn't be more happier in my life. Your energy is what caught me by surprise and it made me stay and the way you went about teaching things and just wow! The first video I watched was where you are explaining the tritone substitution. I learned immediately about the tritone sub and I just kept watching your videos and I spent a whole day dedicated to watching your videos. It has helped me so much and I'm just sending you this message to thank you. I'm truly thankful. I pray that you continue to prosper in your love for music and also that you continue to flourish as a human being.
God bless you
J. Johnson
Hi Aimee, you´re doing a great job with your lessons! Thank you very much for that! I took your bassline-concept to play a lot of standards and guess what: my family - two kid and my wife . are starting to sing those tunes. i.e. Yardbird suite and they love it. Before I would use chords in my left hand, but with the walking bass the tunes come across much better.
Thanks and keep up the good work! It´s awesome! I´ve never learned so much in such a short time.I´m looking forward to more videos from you. You made me look at my instrument and music a new way. I´m singing the licks and this is great, at least for me, because I´m not great singer. And what I can sing, I can play! Old rule, but true. Would be awesome to get your sheet of „Killing me softly“.
Thanks a lot, Aimee, take care,
Ralf S
This is a great video, Aimee. Just be yourself and play what's in your heart. Best advice you can give (a musician).
An important life lesson that's not easily learned.
Kent H
Aimee, would you forgive this Englishman for being so gushing with his praise but I adore you! I was such a lazy student way back when (and long before you were born) but at 55 years of age, I have returned to the piano with a genuine passion for leaning Jazz piano and your lessons are just the ticket. You break things down to their simplest components and the theory - so perplexing to understand in a plethora of other videos on YouTube - becomes so crystal clear and easy to understand! Happy Christmas and thank you so much for so generously sharing your knowledge with an old codger like me!
Richard L.
Hello Aimee!
First of all. Please let me thank you for the content you make. I am a self-taught jazz piano player from Barcelona. I study theory quite hard and I may know modes and harmonies and polyrhythms and modulations and you-name-it inside and out, but I've always had trouble putting them to work. I am extremely thankful for your videos because they bridge the gap that i feel Mark Levine's Jazz Theory Book and Omnibooks just can't —albeit they do their work wonderfully. So for that I'm very, very thankful. Please know you have a very unconditional, grateful supporter in Barcelona
Hi Aimee - I kind of ran into your youtube channel yesterday, and watched several of your videos, and wanted to just give you kudos for the way you’re presenting ideas and speaking with your audience. I think it’s hard to do what you’re doing well - giving great information while being accessible and genuine. You do a particularly good job of communicating *how* you think about things, which seems more valuable than just giving information. You also don’t build out theory first, then look at how to use it - you match what you’re doing with theory when necessary. I think that makes it easier for many students.
I hope I’m not the only random stranger sending you praise for your work. Happy holidays!
I absolutely love your teaching style and it's helping me so much to prepare for my college auditions in jazz vocal performance!
Thank you so much :)
Leo T.
I love what you are doing on your channel! It's so uplifting! I found it only yesterday and I'm really grateful for that. You teach really well and I just enjoy your singing and playing.
Sasha F.
You have really great content here. As someone who has played instruments and always wanted to understand play in the bebop lines, this is tremendously helpful. You're a great teacher.
Mike P.