I just subscribed it yesterday, and to me, this is one of the most helpful of many insightful videos you've made. I love what you talk about in minute nine about the honesty of your favorite players because it's something I've often wanted to hear clearly stated. I think of Thelonius Monk, the way The way he chose and articulated notes was the way he created his own sound and techniques. I also really enjoy when you break down rhythms and demonstrate how to call a tune: you are so solid in your hearing of the groove. I want these skills for myself. Thanks for making these videos. It's giving me hope that I can change. I will gobble up anything you have to offer so I can make that transduction between what I hear inside and the sounds I play.
Simon L.
Praise From YouTube Fans

With over 500 jazz and music instruction videos on YouTube, Aimee is becoming a highly-sought-after teacher and clinician.
Here are some words of praise from fans around the globe!
I love your channel, Aimee! You are a natural teacher. This has been a question of mine for many years and I'm glad you did a video on it. It helps me out tremendously. Thank you. Keep up the good work! Carter
This series of videos is really useful, practical advice from a professional. Fantastic. Muso
I'm sure that some will find this a little too complicated, and some will find it for two simple, but it's just at the level or I can take it and run with it. With your almost daily tutorials, you are a vocal coaching, piano teaching, machine! Thanks so much. David
Thanks so much for your videos. I am a new subscriber and a piano player. The tutorial topics you pick our fresh and vibrant, just like your scat solos. Allan
Hello, I discovered your videos today and I think they are brilliant! I'm a jazz singer in Belgium with no music theory knowledge and it will help me to scat! I'm very happy you created your channel! Keep on posting! Ton
I like the patience and clear explanation. In other videos, I often feel like the author tries to show off his/her own skills. These videos are much much more helpful. Keep up the good work! Arjen
This is seriously good improv teaching! Ming
You're the best! Everything you provide is very easy to understand and so useful. wtfroy
HAFA ADAI Aimee! Thank you for sharing your videos. Or I am from, Jazz isn't too popular so there aren't many teachers that specialize in jazz. I want to develop because you make it look so cool. I have been keeping up with your videos. You are a blessing! Much love from Julia
I just discovered you on YouTube. My name is Dan, and I am up here in Turlock CA. I have been playing piano for a long time, but have never been able to put together all the pieces, especially soloing. I can play lots of tunes, but just the melody, mostly. So, I have been watching your videos, and you are truly amazing. You just reminded me of Diana Krall (hope you know what I mean, in a good way), but you're better! I am really learning a lot from you. It's like they are things I already know, and have been able to do, but just never tied it all together. I hope to be putting on some of my own videos soon, so you can hear what I am playing. Anyway, you are truly inspiring to me right now, as I have just got back into the piano after some time away. What you have is true charisma, which so many other people who teach music lack. Everything you say comes from the heart, and there is so much power in that. I am making a list of all your videos, and gonna study all of them. So, thanks so much for what you are doing. I would be happy to contribute via a donation, if that works for you. Thanks so much! You're awesome!
Best regards from Germany and CONGRATS to your jazz videos…for the past 25 years I have been wondering: HOW and WHAT do jazz musicians THINK when playing…You finally came up with the answer. Thanks a lot. I wish I had more time to spend for music though… I am a dentist close to Munich. Keep swinging and producing new tutorials…