5 Common Mistakes In Jazz Improv
Sign up and get, Parts 1 and 2 of Everything I Know About Chords, My "Creating Meaningful Motifs For Jazz Improv" Class, "Adam and Aimee Play The Blues", and the ENTIRE Nebula platform - it's like Youtube, but for educational content only - Plus, NO ADS - and I always put extra material there (bonus videos you won't see on Youtube and extended cuts of my Youtube videos) IF YOU ALREADY HAVE NEBULA, YOU DON'T NEED TO DO A THING :) Jazz improv is hard. Much of my channel is dedicated to helping you to get a grasp on how to be great at it! I still see common mistakes when I travel around an listen to people play, and these are the most common little bad habits that could use some...help. :)
Tags: jazz, improvising